
We received a chargeback for the reason "Unauthorized transaction - chargeback "from the customer in the amount of $37.99.
This customer opened a chargeback for order VR00002733 on Jan 16, 2024.
This order was placed on Jan 7, 2024.
This order was shipped on Jan 11, 2024 and was successfully delivered to the customer's shipping address on Jan 18, 2024.
Tracking Number is YT2401121236007177
Here is the Tracking link that shows the product successfully delivered:


The recipient's address and contact information for this order belongs to the customer.
Please check the SMS communication proof.
That transaction was authorized.
We have attached evidence such as shipping label, communication proof , delivery information, order information, proof of delivery. We hope that with the evidences provided it will suffice in resolving this case and return back our money. As we have provided the service and the product. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information.
Kind Regards